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Speaking German Lanuage:

Fortunately, for anyone intending to learn the German language as a second language, it is a relatively consistent language as far as phonetics. German words usually sound the way that they are spelled. Although rare exceptions do exist, these are usually related to foreign words that have entered the German language. Once you learn how different spellings in the German language sound, you should be able to pronounce any German word with relative ease, simply because you won’t need to figure out which phonetic rule applies.

The German alphabet actually has thirty characters in it. However, due to the consistency of pronunciation rules, a few extra letters is more helpful than troublesome. If you are teaching yourself the German language, consider using an online site or renting an audiotape to learn the enunciation of the German alphabet. The alphabet is the basic initial starting point for learning any language.

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One of the inherent dangers in learning a new language is the obvious fact that your native tongue will influence your pronunciation of the language until you can rid yourself of the tendencies to pronounce in your native tongue while attempting to speak in a second language. It is extremely important to note that German words that are spelled identically, or nearly identically, to English words will sound different simply because the German alphabet is not pronounced like the English alphabet.

Pairs of consonants in the German language create consistent sounds within the vocabulary of the language. This makes learning German so much easier than trying to figure out, “Hmmm, does it sound like this or does it sound like that?” This consonant consistency exists in other languages as well. An example in the German language is the consonant pair of “st.” The “st” pair in the German language always sounds like “scht.” We have developed a unterrichtsplaner where techers can plan lessons in every language.

Diphthongs in the German language blend with consistency as well. Pairs of vowels usually have the exact same sound no matter what the word is. For example, the pair of letters “au” blends together for a single sound. In the German language, the “au” always blends for the single sound “ow.” This is important to know when you are learning the language. Whenever you encounter the vowel combination of “au,” you will automatically (after a bit of practice) remember that the blend sounds like “ow.”

None of this is to say that learning the German language is a simple task, especially if you are over the age of six. In fact, confusion in learning is not only possible, but it is also probable. For instance, homophones, or words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings, exist in German. Fortunately, the English language has quite a few more homophones than German, so the difficulty learning German homophones should be short lived.